Why join the HPBAC?

Join the Fight! Join the HPBAC.

The HPBAC is fighting to protect businesses like yours, and to ensure Canadians maintain the right to choose how to heat and cook in their own homes. 

These battles are expensive, and we need help from our partners in the industry to be successful. 

Support your industry by becoming a member of the HPBAC.

Protect Our Industry Through Advocacy

Learn about policies and regulations that affect your business using our searchable Canadian Policy Landscape website page.

Support advocacy efforts across Canada to save wood burning and gas.

Support monitoring and research efforts to ensure we are aware of policy development and campaigns that adversely affect our industry and can respond effectively.

Support the development of proactive programs such as Woodstove Changeout Programs.

Canadian Policy Landscape

Members can access a tailored overview of policies and regulations affecting the industry. Pages include current Codes and Standards, federal and provincial policies, regulations and strategic issues (under construction).

Comox Valley Campaign

HPBAC was successful in preventing the release of a policy document (Wood Smoke Reduction Strategy) that pointed to wood burning as the main cause of poor air quality in the region, and continues to work to prevent further restrictions.

ECCC Wood Emission Factor Study

Environment and Climate Change Canada is conducting a residential wood appliance emissions factor study – HPBAC remains engaged with ECCC on an ongoing basis and will update members regularly.

Woodstove Changeouts

The successful Ottawa Wood Burning Changeout Program resulted in 107 old, uncertified woodstoves or open fireplaces being replaced. The HPBAC continues to seek opportunites for more changeouts.

Coming up in 2024

Advocacy plans for wood and gas
Provincial lobby days
Quarterly information/update webinars
Industry White Paper

Educate Our Industry Workforce

Take part in manufacturer training events and other educational events.

Attend topical webinars and access recorded webinars.

Support the creation of a national training program to establish national standards of practice and certifications for hearth professionals in Canada.

Education & Training Sessions

Members receive discounted prices on HPBAC Education & Training sessions. Recent sessions include:

Troubleshooting Electronic Ignition Systems, 2023

HPBAC is hosting a full day of Troubleshooting Electronic Ignition Systems Hands-On Training and Installation Prep at Napoleon’s south end facility in Barrie ON, led by industry experts. Click here to learn more and to register for this event.

Manufacturer-Dealer Technical Training, 2021

HPBAC hosted three compelling online dealer training sessions in 2021. Delivered by ICC-RSF, HHT/Forge Distribution and Valor Fireplaces, these sessions covered a variety of topics ranging from technical information and troubleshooting to marketing and product updates.

Modern Woodburning & Gas Venting Principles, 2020

HPBAC surveyed members to learn what issues they face when dealing with woodburning and gas venting that could be addressed in technical training sessions. We worked with NFI to develop these special training sessions for HPBAC members.


Members can register for upcoming webinars at special prices, and have full access to the HPBAC library of pre-recorded webinars. Some of our recent webinars include:

Accessing Public Funding
for Your Business

HPBAC’s Public Funding Program breaks down the grant and contribution public funding model in Canada and reviews existing funding opportunities for small and medium businesses, including HPBAC members. 

Managing Social Media
Amid a Global Pandemic

Hosted by Sussex Adrenaline, this webinar provided practical tips and advice for navigating social media amid COVID-19, as well as providing a series of industry-specific tactics for turning your social presence into a key sales and marketing channel both during and post-pandemic.

Selling to Today’s Customer:
7 Steps to Master Retail Sales

Tim Reed of The Fire Time Network hosts this session, providing  your sales team 7 steps to enhance their effectiveness on the sales floor, as well as giving you a road map to continue their growth.

Electronic Shortage Component Advocacy

HPBAC is advocating for the temporary relief from energy efficiency regulations (EERs) in Canada that prohibit the use of continuous pilots. In this webinar, HPBAC outlines ongoing advocacy efforts with the Canadian Federal government as well as Provincial governments.

Coming up in 2024

9 in-person training events across canada
3 training webinars
2+ information/issues webinars

Topics to be determined by region

Build an Industry Community

Network with other industry members at events and socials, including HPBExpo.

Engage with campaigns in support of our industry.

Benefit from communications of industry news important to you.

More information coming soon!


Save up to 50% of your dues through our Co-op For Dues Program

Discounts through Member Savings programs 

Access to Programs and Services such as the HPBAC Public Funding Support Program

Access to downloadable digital collateral for promotional campaigns

Co-op for Dues Program for Retailers

Six manufacturer members and their distributors have offered to allow members to submit a portion of their membership dues for reimbursement through their Co-op advertising  programs. We are very grateful to our Co-op partners for their support of HPBAC and hope this program will help strengthen HPBAC’s membership base, increasing both the number of members in the association and our ability to keep industry members informed and engaged as we face today’s challenges.
Take advantage of the savings by  joining the HPBAC, or renewing your membership. You can choose which participating manufacturers to claim from during the process.
HPBAC will issue you vouchers after calculating your eligible claim based on the following:
1. Up to 50% of the retail member’s dues are eligible for Co-op For Dues
2. Eligible amount will be split between the member’s participating suppliers
3. $100 maximum to any single Co-op For Dues participating manufacturer
4. Vouchers will be issued for claims for each applicable Co-op For Dues participant
Once you’ve received your vouchers, you can submit them to your manufacturer or distributor representative.
Voucher reimbursement will be subject to manufacturer/distributor’s co-op rules and regulations.

Savings Programs

Becoming a member of HPBAC means you receive exclusive access to discounts on products and services you use every day. HPBAC has partnered with savings4members to provide you discounts on fuel cards, credit card processing, office supplies, shipping and more! Each vendor is carefully selected for unmatched value, savings, and unbeatable customer service.
More information coming soon!



How do I become a member?

We can send you an application by email or regular mail. You can also give Cristine Giampaolo a call at 647-298-4914 to join by phone.

Distributors, Retailers, Service Companies, Agents, Associates and Utilities can join online at Join the HPBAC , or you can download a fillable application form by clicking here.

Manufacturers can join by visiting www.hpba.org.


How can membership save me money?

HPBAC membership saves you the cost of EXPO passes. If two members of your staff attend EXPO that’s already a $150 US savings on passes. Members always receive preferred rates for HPBAC and HPBA programs and events. And you can also save through our Member Savings Programs, including competitively priced and comprehensive Errors & Omissions Insurance for WETT Inspection Services in Canada, and through discount programs such as Choice Hotels Privileges Rewards Program and the Esso Business Card Program


How many members does HPBAC have?

HPBAC currently has close to 500 members across Canada. Many of your competitors are already members, taking advantage of the savings and resources we offer. We’d like to make the association even stronger, giving us a stronger voice with government and the ability to increase our public relations efforts and continue to improve our member benefits.


What do I have to do as a member?

You can become involved in the association by joining an HPBAC committee including a regional committees, participating in a task force or you can just enjoy the benefits of membership without volunteering. It’s up to you how involved you become, but volunteering provides many advantages to members. To learn more about volunteering, please visit the Volunteers section on the Committees page.


Why would I be concerned about government regulation?

Regulation that affects your business could be introduced at any level of government. Sometimes this is positive, such as incentives to homeowners to upgrade to a more efficient appliance. You will want to be informed of these opportunities as they arise. Government usually communicates to an industry through its trade association and the association is in contact with the government in order to keep you informed. The association also advocates for these programs on behalf of industry. Often regulation can have a negative effect by limiting and sometimes eliminating the products you sell. This can happen through municipal bylaws such as burn bylaws. HPBAC will help you fight unfair regulation and will advocate the benefits of your products to government.


How does HPBAC keep members informed?

HPBAC publishes a quarterly e-newsletter which includes updates on association activities, government relations issues, industry news and notices about information that is available to members, such as market research results and articles in the media. We also send out bulletins when an important issue comes up so you are always up to date.

Our website contains information for members and homeowners on products, events, resources and safety tips and a Search function so homeowners and members can find members. HPBA’s website is also full of great resources for members, including press releases, market research, product fact sheets and much more.


Why would I attend HPBExpo?

HPBExpo features the biggest selection of hearth, patio and barbecue products under one roof. You’ll want to see all of the exciting new products available, meet with your suppliers and look for new products. It’s important to keep your store current and fresh to keep customers coming back and to draw in new customers. HPBExpo also offers a great selection of sales, marketing and business management education sessions and technical training. It’s a great opportunity to network with other industry members. HPBAC hosts a Canadian Reception at HPBExpo each year, which is attended by over 250 people each year and is always a lot of fun. You’ll meet people from all over and have a chance to network in a relaxed environment.


What other events does HPBAC hold?

We host regional Education Days and local meetings with a range of topics. In the past as part of our Building Your Business series we’ve offered The Art of Selling, Professional Service is Profitable and The Changing Retail Environment as well as Barbecue Education Days. HPBAC also supports the ongoing development of industry-specific training courses.


How does HPBAC promote the industry?

Both HPBAC and HPBA act as a resource for media and the public. We receive more and more enquiries from the media on issues relating to hearth, patio and barbecue products. Press releases are issued regularly on topical issues such as “Are you Prepared for a Power Outage”, “Consumer Survey Indicates Fireplaces and Stoves Play Key Role in Selling Homes” and “Consumers Prefer to Stay Home to Cook Out”.

There are Barbecue and Hearth product information pages available on the HPBAC website, which contain great information on your products and how to use them.

We have also worked with government to develop programs such as EnerChoice which identifies the 25% most efficient gas hearth appliances and the Burn it Smart program across Canada which was adopted by the US EPA into their Burn Wise program. HPBAC also consults on publications such as The Guide to Residential Wood Heating — a popular guide published by Natural Resources Canada, along with various other publications relating to hearth products.

Along with all of our communication and outreach efforts, HPBAC has become much more involved in advocacy and lobbying efforts to municipal, provincial, and the federal governments. We are continuously fighting for your rights to sell the products you sell, and working with the government to fund projects, like Woodstove Changeout Programs, to not only promote the sale of products, but also to demonstrate the benefits of the products our members sell.

contact us

Have a question or just want to say hello? Drop us a line and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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