CVRD | March 25, 2022

The Comox Valley Campaign against existing and proposed bans on wood stoves in the region launched on February 15th. The campaign continues to grow as it approaches the first month mark, with an unwavering commitment from local members and an outpouring of support from residents. Digital performance reports indicate that our reach is growing on a regular basis (click here to view the latest campaign analytics). Most recently, local members and HPBAC staff met with the CVRD Board to discuss the issue. 

To support the campaign, please do the following:
  1. Visit the campaign website at
  2. If you live in the region, send a letter to your local politicians at and take a stand against the ban.
  3. Engage with us on social media & share our posts about the campaign using #SaveOurWoodStoves and #WeCanAllDoBetter:
    • Facebook – HPBACanada
    Twitter – @hpbacanada
    LinkedIn – hearth-patio-and-barbecue-association-of-canada
    Instagram – HPBAC
  4. Contact Meghan O’Reilly at to learn more on how you can help.

CVRD | August 24, 2021

HPBAC is advocating for the removal of municipal bylaws in the Comox Valley, British Columbia, that impose restrictions on the use and installation of certified wood-burning appliances in the City of Courtenay, Town of Comox and the Village of Cumberland. In addition, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD), which encompasses additional rural areas, has established a Regional Airshed Roundtable that will almost certainly recommend the imposition of further restrictions on the use of wood-burning appliances.

Advocating against regulations on wood-burning appliances that are unjustified, unnecessary, and improperly designed in the Comox Valley remains a priority and the local task force, regional Members and Members of the HPBAC Western Regional Committee continue to advocate on behalf of the industry. The HPBAC Government Affairs Committee has requested a decision package be assembled outlining options for continued advocacy. This work is underway and further updates will be provided as the process unfolds.

For further information please see the HPBAC issue tracker below.