Enjoy Your Gas Fireplace Safely (And Often)!

Enjoy Your Gas Fireplace Safely (And Often)!

A gas fireplace serves as one of the safest and most reliable appliances in the home, providing both heat and ambiance at a moment’s notice. Gas fireplaces are clean burning, require little maintenance, and can be an important source of heat in an emergency...
Choosing Your Fireplace

Choosing Your Fireplace

Looking for a wood or gas fireplace? If you are thinking about adding a hearth appliance to your home or replacing an existing appliance you will want to consider which appliance makes the most sense for your space and your lifestyle. You will want your new fireplace...
Heating Your Whole Home

Heating Your Whole Home

Did you know your fireplace, stove or insert – gas, pellet or wood – could have the ability to heat your whole home? It’s true! Fireplaces are beyond being just basement heaters or only having the heating output to warm your living room. With some planning and work,...
Be Prepared When the Power Goes Out

Be Prepared When the Power Goes Out

Living in Canada, we’ve all experienced a bad winter storm. Freezing temperatures, piles of snow and, every so often, the power goes out, sometimes for days. Is your home ready for a power outage? Be Prepared You want to be sure you can feed your family and heat your...