Enjoy Your Gas Fireplace Safely (And Often)!

Enjoy Your Gas Fireplace Safely (And Often)!

A gas fireplace serves as one of the safest and most reliable appliances in the home, providing both heat and ambiance at a moment’s notice. Gas fireplaces are clean burning, require little maintenance, and can be an important source of heat in an emergency...
Getting Your Fireplace Ready for Action

Getting Your Fireplace Ready for Action

As we head into fall and look forward to cooler weather with a cozy fireplace, we should remember that fireplaces, stoves and inserts – like a vehicle – require yearly maintenance to ensure everything is in good working condition for the heating season. The best...
The Many Faces of Hearth Appliances

The Many Faces of Hearth Appliances

Fire has been a part of family life since the dawn of civilization. For millennia, the family hearth has provided heat, a place to prepare food and served as a central gathering place. Even in the modern era, the hearth continues to provide comfort and warmth and...

BC Gas Fireplace Regulation Update

Changes to the BC Energy Efficiency Standards Regulation are coming into effect January 1, 2019. Listed here are some important definitions, as well as amendments up to BC Reg. 29/2018, March 6, 2018. Definitions ANSI Z21.50-2016/CSA 2.22-2016 means ANSI standard ANSI...