Prepping for Winter

Prepping for Winter

Canadians understand how important heat is in the winter. As we head into fall, there are a few things you need to do in the coming weeks to prepare for the winter months.

Whether you burn logs or gas, it can be dangerous to light a fireplace until certain things have been done or checked.

Here is a checklist that can provide assurance when the time comes to get cozy near a safe, blazing fire. Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detector and have a fire extinguisher close to the appliance. Clear the area around the fireplace of any potentially flammable materials – 3 feet away is a good rule.

Woodburning Fireplaces and Stoves

Experts recommend that fireplaces, wood stoves and chimneys be inspected annually. Clean chimneys help fireplaces and stoves run more efficiently and safely. Soot and creosote may adhere to the inside and can cause a fire because they are highly flammable.

  • A yearly chimney sweep ensures the whole system is in good working condition. Professionals will also check the condition of your flue lining. Even a small crack in the flue can cause a house fire.
  • Chimney structures are out of sight, but they should not be out of mind. When mortar is damaged or when bricks are loose or cracked, there is a good chance moisture has entered your chimney system. Moisture damage should be repaired as quickly as possible, to minimize the amount of damage done.
  • If there is not already a cap on your chimney, have one installed as soon as possible. Chimney toppers serve several important functions, particularly when they have wire mesh. Chimney caps keep moisture out, keep critters out, and help to prevent fires when they have a mesh spark guard that will extinguish embers that might otherwise fly from the chimney.
  • Stock up with the right fuel. Have your firewood stored, dried, and ready to burn. The type of firewood you burn determines the quality of your fire and how much flammable creosote is deposited in the chimney. Seasoned hardwoods burn longer than softwoods. If you don’t want a lingering fire, softwoods are the better choice because they don’t leave smoldering wood coals behind.

With some quick annual maintenance, you can maintain or even improve your stove’s efficiency this winter – you might even burn less wood.

Pellet Stoves

Experts also recommend pellet stoves have a yearly maintenance check that will include:

  • Cleaning the exhaust piping and venting
  • Removing the combustion and distribution fans, then vacuuming out all the ash and soot
  • Cleaning behind the inner firebox panels, top heat exchange panels, firewall panels and any ash traps
  • Double-checking the gasket on the firebox door
  • Cleaning the firepot and the hopper carefully, removing any ash, bits of pellet or pellet dust
Gas Fireplaces

There is nothing easier than a gas burning fireplace or insert. There’s no ash to clean up because it burns natural gas or liquid propane but don’t assume this means it doesn’t need cleaning. In fact, it is still recommended you have a certified gas technician inspect and clean your gas fireplace to ensure your safety. The technician will first inspect the exterior to ensure glass is not chipped, cracked, or dirty, and the framework is holding up sufficiently.

  • While checking for dents or debris, the technician will also look at the interior gas ignition under the log structure and make sure it is lighting flawlessly. They also make sure your log set is not deteriorating in any way.
  • The face of the unit will have to be taken off, so they can inspect the valves and connections underneath your fireplace or insert. They will make sure your fireplace’s heat output is correct, and clean up any residue that has started to block any ports or vents.
  • After a routine check, your technician should make sure you have working carbon monoxide detectors, and that you are aware of any repairs your gas fireplace may need.

Certified gas technicians have a wealth of information and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your fireplace or insert. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Be Prepared When the Power Goes Out

Be Prepared When the Power Goes Out

Living in Canada, we’ve all experienced a bad winter storm. Freezing temperatures, piles of snow and, every so often, the power goes out, sometimes for days. Is your home ready for a power outage?

Be Prepared

You want to be sure you can feed your family and heat your home, or at least zones within your home. Be sure to have enough water (2 litres per person, per day) and nonperishable food available for up to 72 hours.

Heating Your Home

Are you prepared for your furnace and stove to be turned off for an extended period of time? Luckily, there are many products available that don’t run on electricity. Gas fireplaces, stoves and inserts are great secondary heat sources, especially when the power is out. Gas hearth appliances are designed to operate during a power failure. Some generate their own electricity or have battery back-up systems. It’s important to know which system you have for circumstances such as this. If your gas appliance has a battery back-up, make sure you have installed new batteries before every heating season.

Wood fireplaces, stoves and inserts are also great alternative heat sources. Be sure to have an adequate supply of fuel on hand. The radiant heat these units produce can warm your living spaces for days when necessary. There are fans available for freestanding woodstoves that help distribute heat through the room and require no electricity. They use the heat of the wood stove to power the fan.

Cooking Without Electricity

Some wood or gas burning stoves can also be used for heating food and water on top of the stove. Some wood and gas models have a second top layer. To improve the heat conductivity on these stoves, place your cook pot directly on the inner top. If your model is equipped with a trivet, remove it to access the inner top and maximize the heat conducted from the stove top. Some cook stoves even include an oven or a water reservoir for cooking and washing. Ovens or Dutch ovens can also be purchased separately to allow for even cooking on a stove. Take care to ensure there is no risk of the pot tipping over. It’s a good idea to purchase a thermometer with these units to maintain the heat more easily while cooking.

Cooking on your wood stove does require some forethought to allow the stove to function properly. Unlike an electric stove top there is no dial to regulate the temperature.  You control the heat by the amount of wood you place in the stove and attention is required to manage the heat properly. For high heat, it’s important to establish a good, large fire. For slow cooking food such as chili, soup or leftovers, the fire should burn low and steady for a long time by adding only one or two pieces of wood at more frequent intervals. You can also let the fire die down to a bed of coals and cook foods in a small Dutch oven or a foil packet directly on the hot bed of coals. Practice cooking on your wood stove before a power outage occurs to give yourself a better idea of how your wood stove will heat and cook foods!

Use Your Barbecue (But Never Inside the Home!)

Another great appliance to use during a power outage is your barbecue. Although this may seem like a surprise to some, many grill owners continue to grill all year long. Although winter grilling takes a bit more time compared to grilling in the summer months, it is still a great way to prepare food – even when the power isn’t out. Check out our article on Winter Grilling.

BC Regulatory Update: New Wood Burning Regulations and PST

Please read the following and see the attached documents regarding important regulatory information on:
1) BC Ministry of Finance: The Use of PST as a Retailer
2) BC Ministry of Environment’s New Wood Burning Regulations

Understanding BC PST for Retailers & Installers

It was brought to our attention by the Ministry of Finance that they have encountered several cases involving the misuse of PST within the hearth, patio and barbecue industries. The Ministry of Finance wants to emphasize that if your business makes retail sales of goods and also installs goods into buildings or land, you are considered a contractor doing business in BC and there are Provincial Sales Tax rules you need to be aware of. In the attached document, you will find links to information pages provided by the ministry as well as contact information. Make sure you know and get the PST right!

BC’s Ministry of Environment’s New Solid Fuel Burning Domestic Appliance Regulation

British Columbia has instated new Solid Fuel Burning Appliance Regulations. In an effort to reduce the amount of particulate matter produced from wood burning appliances, the Ministry of Environment has stated that as of November 1, 2016, all new wood burning appliances sold in BC are to be certified to meet PM emissions standards set by the US EPA 2015 (4.5 gm/hr) or equivalent standards set by the Canadian Standards Association in 2010. The regulation also specifies what fuels may be burned, and has provisions around the sale and installation of outdoor wood boilers. The new regulation does not affect existing wood stoves or fireplaces.


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